Magnetic Field Demonstration - Arihantlab

Magnetic Field Demonstration

Catalogue No: 1070360/3

For the study and demonstration of magnetic fields associated with different shapes / configurations of current carrying conductors. Mounted on clear transparent base permits its use on OHP for classroom demonstration. Each conductor accompanied with a pair of 4mm socket terminals. The field pattern can be observed through the iron filings or plotting compasses (not included). Comprises following conductor configurations:
* Vertical Coils: A set of 1 turn and 5 turn coils located side-by side on the base, each with separate pair of socket terminals. Maximum current for 1 turn coil is 8A and for 5 turn coil is 5A. By making the current flow through both of them, the cumulative effect of magnetic field of each can also be investigated.

Pack of (Pcs): 1

For the study and demonstration of magnetic fields associated with different shapes / configurations of current carrying conductors. Mounted on clear transparent base permits its use on OHP for classroom demonstration. Each conductor accompanied with a pair of 4mm socket terminals. The field pattern can be observed through the iron filings or plotting compasses (not included). Comprises following conductor configurations:
* Vertical Coils: A set of 1 turn and 5 turn coils located side-by side on the base, each with separate pair of socket terminals. Maximum current for 1 turn coil is 8A and for 5 turn coil is 5A. By making the current flow through both of them, the cumulative effect of magnetic field of each can also be investigated.

SKU: 1070360/3 Categories: ,
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