Demonstrates how the bending due to differential expansion of two different metal strips can be used for operating the thermostat for temperature control. A vertically mounted bimetallic strip bends with the rise in temperature causing it to open the electrical contact and closing the same on cooling, thus controlling the switching ON/OFF of the circuit. Consists of binding posts for connection to low current circuits and adjustable contacts.
* Thermostat Model
Heat, Physics
Thermostat Model
Catalogue No: 1060300
Demonstrates how the bending due to differential expansion of two different metal strips can be used for operating the thermostat for temperature control. A vertically mounted bimetallic strip bends with the rise in temperature causing it to open the electrical contact and closing the same on cooling, thus controlling the switching ON/OFF of the circuit. Consists of binding posts for connection to low current circuits and adjustable contacts.
* Thermostat Model
Pack of (Pcs): 1
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