To demonstrate the charging and discharging characteristics of a Ni-Cad cell. A cell holder to take ‘AA’ Ni-Cad cell is mounted on a moulded plastic enclosure with a provision for connecting it to suitable ammeter and voltmeter through 4mm sockets. A toggle switch is provided to control the charging / discharging o the cell and the bulb shows discharging of the battery. Operate on 5V DC.
* NI-Cad Characteristics
Electronics, Physics
Ni-Cad Battery Characteristics
Catalogue No: 1100495
To demonstrate the charging and discharging characteristics of a Ni-Cad cell. A cell holder to take ‘AA’ Ni-Cad cell is mounted on a moulded plastic enclosure with a provision for connecting it to suitable ammeter and voltmeter through 4mm sockets. A toggle switch is provided to control the charging / discharging o the cell and the bulb shows discharging of the battery. Operate on 5V DC.
* NI-Cad Characteristics
Pack of (Pcs): 1
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