Demonstrates that the pressure of liquids varies with the depth of liquid column and independent of the shape or size of the vessel. Comprising a base with aperture on the underside and on top of which may be attached any one of the set of 4 glass vases having different shapes/sizes but identical bottom openings. A lever arm pivoted to the vertical support rod has a pressure disc on one end to close the aperture and a counterpoise pan. A vertically adjustable index pointer provided for adjusting liquid level in the vases. Complete apparatus mounted on a stable base.
* Pascal’s Law Apparatus
Physics, Property of Matter Fluids
Pascal’s Law Apparatus (Weinhold’s)
Catalogue No: 1020380
Demonstrates that the pressure of liquids varies with the depth of liquid column and independent of the shape or size of the vessel. Comprising a base with aperture on the underside and on top of which may be attached any one of the set of 4 glass vases having different shapes/sizes but identical bottom openings. A lever arm pivoted to the vertical support rod has a pressure disc on one end to close the aperture and a counterpoise pan. A vertically adjustable index pointer provided for adjusting liquid level in the vases. Complete apparatus mounted on a stable base.
* Pascal’s Law Apparatus
Pack of (Pcs): 1
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